Pi Business News

The latest news and updates from the Pi Business Solutions offices.
Small Business Rate Reduced

Small Business Rate Reduced

The federal government announced today that they intend to honour their campaign promise of 2015 to lower the small business corporate tax rate to 9% over the next 15 months. This would bring the combined federal and provincial taxes on the first $500,000 of annual corporate profits down to 12%. …

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Major Changes to Small Business Corporate Taxes

Major Changes to Small Business Corporate Taxes

The federal government has proposed significant changes to the way that small business corporations will be taxed. Teri sits down with Robin Spiers to discuss Pi’s position on this. Teri Tetreault from PI Business Solutions provides valuable insight into the proposed tax changes in Canada. Who will this affect? Who …

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Filing as a single parent

Filing as a single parent

A single parent income tax return is one of the most reviewed returns by the Canada Revenue Agency. To avoid delays with either your income tax refund and/or your child tax benefits please bring the following information to your appointment. Court order or custody agreement, if you do not have …

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What is my marital status for tax purposes?

What is my marital status for tax purposes?

This is a question that we hear on a consistent basis. Most people know if they are single or not, married or not, widowed or divorced but what about the in-between. What are the rules on this topic for tax purposes? What people think and what the Canada Revenue Agency …

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December Newsletter

December Newsletter

We got out our December newsletter with 3 days to spare this month. If you aren’t subscribed (or the email got lost in all of your holiday e-cards), you can go to our Newsletter tab at the top of the page to subscribe and see our previous issue. You can …

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Simplifying the Tax Act (or just increasing revenue?)

Simplifying the Tax Act (or just increasing revenue?)

Every year the Income Tax Act gets bigger (currently over 2,700 pages) and the personal T1 Return gets more complicated. The current Liberal government has announced their intention to simplify the Act by eliminating tax credits. Bill Curry from the Globe and Mail recently published an article discussing this plan. …

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What’s a Business Owner to do about Minimum Wage Increases?

What’s a Business Owner to do about Minimum Wage Increases?

In our October newsletter, we showed how the real cost of the minimum wage increases is higher than is commonly discussed and that it is the business owner who shoulders those costs. This leaves a hard decision for the employer. A basic concept of accounting is that Revenue – Costs …

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Tax Fraud – Not Worth It

Tax Fraud – Not Worth It

Tax fraud is rampant and there seems to be no shortage of accountants willing to look the other way. If your accountant is writing off expenses that are overstated, not only are you breaking the law, you will be facing some major fines putting your personal life and business on the …

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The Importance of Accounting

The Importance of Accounting

Why is accounting a vital part in running a successful business? It’s all about creating the freedom you want for yourself and for the ones you love. The structure of any business is that money comes in and that the money goes out. Accounting looks at this closely by recording …

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Small Business Week Expo

Small Business Week Expo

75% of all new jobs created in Canada are from the small business sector. Generally, small business is defined as fewer than 100 employees. Canada’s economic growth greatly depends on entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs and small business proudly build their livelihoods on doing what they love. Often they possess the passion for …

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Blueprint for Success: The Bookkeeper’s Guide to Calgary

Blueprint for Success: The Bookkeeper’s Guide to Calgary

Pi Business Solutions is a bookkeeping company in Calgary that has been serving clients for over 10 years now. They've mastered the art of bookkeeping and are ready to share their expertise with you, so you can be successful too! In this blog post, we will discuss how...

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Small Business Rate Reduced

Small Business Rate Reduced

The federal government announced today that they intend to honour their campaign promise of 2015 to lower the small business corporate tax rate to 9% over the next 15 months. This would bring the combined federal and provincial taxes on the first $500,000 of annual corporate profits down to 12%. …

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Major Changes to Small Business Corporate Taxes

Major Changes to Small Business Corporate Taxes

The federal government has proposed significant changes to the way that small business corporations will be taxed. Teri sits down with Robin Spiers to discuss Pi’s position on this. Teri Tetreault from PI Business Solutions provides valuable insight into the proposed tax changes in Canada. Who will this affect? Who …

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Filing as a single parent

Filing as a single parent

A single parent income tax return is one of the most reviewed returns by the Canada Revenue Agency. To avoid delays with either your income tax refund and/or your child tax benefits please bring the following information to your appointment. Court order or custody agreement, if you do not have …

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What is my marital status for tax purposes?

What is my marital status for tax purposes?

This is a question that we hear on a consistent basis. Most people know if they are single or not, married or not, widowed or divorced but what about the in-between. What are the rules on this topic for tax purposes? What people think and what the Canada Revenue Agency …

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December Newsletter

December Newsletter

We got out our December newsletter with 3 days to spare this month. If you aren’t subscribed (or the email got lost in all of your holiday e-cards), you can go to our Newsletter tab at the top of the page to subscribe and see our previous issue. You can …

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Simplifying the Tax Act (or just increasing revenue?)

Simplifying the Tax Act (or just increasing revenue?)

Every year the Income Tax Act gets bigger (currently over 2,700 pages) and the personal T1 Return gets more complicated. The current Liberal government has announced their intention to simplify the Act by eliminating tax credits. Bill Curry from the Globe and Mail recently published an article discussing this plan. …

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