Pi Business News

The latest news and updates from the Pi Business Solutions offices.
Events Going On Around Town

Events Going On Around Town

Being an entrepreneur can often feel like a constant juggle of priorities with only so much time to go around. And one very important area of your life is managing family time. If you are looking to catch-up on some much needed family time, you may want to check-out these …

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Reap the Benefits of Regularly Praising your Employees

Reap the Benefits of Regularly Praising your Employees

Do you avoid giving praise to your employees? Do you believe that doing so will negatively impact their productivity? You may want to review that practice as research shows pride contributes greatly to perseverance and doing a job well done. https://hbr.org/2016/08/the-connection-between-pride-and-persistence

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Social Capital

Social Capital

As Canadians, we are fortunate to live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. A recent study found that three of the world’s five most “liveable” cities are in Canada. However, with that advantage comes the opportunity to share with those who don’t have as much. We all …

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