Financial Planning
You’ve worked hard for the things and the people in your life, shouldn’t you do what you can to protect them?
Life Insurance – We shop all the major life insurance companies in Canada to make sure you are getting the best value possible!
- Mortgage and Term
- Universal and Whole Life
- Guaranteed Issue plans – no medicals – no questions!
Disability Insurance – If you cannot work due to illness or injury – who is going to pay you?
- Critical Illness– Cancer, heart attack, stroke etc.
- Long Term Care Insurance – Pays for expenses when you cannot take care of yourself and do
not want to burden your loved ones.
- Premium Refund plans
- Guaranteed Issue plans – no medicals, no questions!
Health and Dental Insurance – We represent YOU to all the major carriers for:
- Personal Health and Dental
- Group plans for small and medium sized businesses
- Private Health Services Plans – tax free medical benefits!
- Health spending accounts for your incorporated businesses!
For more information visit